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winter fitness,The best Fit in Winter tips

The best Fit in Winter

Winter has arrived, it was made to wait but the low temperatures and the rain are here. As I was already commenting on social networks, I am not a fan of the cold,

 I always prefer summer! Although I must admit that there are some things that are enjoyed differently in this climate, a rich cup of tea, coffee or a vegetable soup and since this year, I have taken a liking to mate.

When it's cold… everything costs more! In my case, the cold is one of my enemies when it comes to training, as it makes me a bit lazy, I'm not going to lie to you, so I face my biggest excuse all season, there are days that it beats me! Something similar happens to them?

Another thing about this season is that cravings can overtake us some days! And it is not bad to give ourselves some likes, but what if we start giving ourselves those tastes every day?

But you know what? Winter is the best time to enliven those goals that we set for the New Year. There is a phrase that says: ‘’ The body of summer is built in winter ”, so when the sun rises you will be ready to enjoy the summer with the body you have been working on!

1.Vitamins, vitamins

To counteract the effects of winter, it is important to increase the intake of vitamins A, C and D through proper diet (citrus fruits, vegetables, dairy products, etc.)

Vitamin A prevents dry skin and cracked lips. As part of this, vitamin C helps increase resistance and prevent colds. Complementing vitamin intake with multivitamin supplements is a good option.


2.Be careful with food

In winter, the body needs more calories to cope with the cold, which leads to weight gain. To avoid this situation, it is best to maintain a feeding schedule, adjust the temperature of the food with warm meals, and add a variety of nuts to the diet.

 For example, something I always hear is that salads are not eaten in the winter, so take advantage and take steamed vegetables, see warm salad, 

3.Positive attitude

The cold months can be stressful times, it is important to maintain a positive attitude and mental disposition. On the other hand, it is very helpful to rest and sleep in a pleasant environment with a suitable temperature.

4.Do not stop physical activity

athletic young woman doing a fitness workout with dumbbell

Practicing physical exercise helps us to warm up and fight the cold. Therefore, it is ideal to program appropriate physical activities for the time of year, I prefer to avoid training outdoors at this time, I plan all workouts inside the gym and if it is quite sunny one day I encourage myself to go out.                                                                                                                    

5.Take care of warm-up routines

The warm-up and stretching before and after the session, favor the assimilation and prevention of injuries. It is extremely important to give this process the necessary time, do not leave it out of your routine.

The warm-up should last 5 to 20 minutes. A gentle jog, massage, and gentle stretching can be combined for the perfect warm-up. The warm-up should be strong enough to raise your heart rate and prepare the muscles to be used during the activity.

6.Proper clothing

The most practical tip is to dress in layers ("onion" technique) so you can stay dry and warm. If the weather is very cold, it is advisable to wear warm clothes. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, with physical activity you will feel a little warmer but this does not mean that you leave the gym or wherever you are training without a coat!


If in summer the intake of water prevents heat stroke and dangerous dehydration, in winter, drinking in sufficient quantity prevents fluid retention and helps the good circulation of the blood, more pressured by heating and tight clothing.

I hope you like the post, and that in this cold season you remember that it is important to stay active and be aware of changes in temperature, as well as to take care of our health and that of our family. Tell me about your winter routines, what you like, what you don't like!

Thank you for your time and may all the good things follow you, find you, hug you and stay with you!

The best Fit in Winter tips# winter fitness# winter fitness tips# winter health tips# tips to be followed in the winter season

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