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Updated Necessary Health Tips 2020-2021

 Health tips

Updated Necessary Health Tips 2020-2021

What does health mean?

A. Health is what some people mean by treatment. Some people think of health as a fat look. But all these ideas about health are not correct. It is important to remember that not just being sick is not health. Not only sound health but his alertness and dedication too are most required. Again, it is not possible to live healthy by excluding the society. So health means being physically, mentally and socially healthy.

We have to keep our body in order. If the body is not right, nothing can be done right. You have to start the morning just to work all day.

And the morning starts with breakfast. If breakfast is not good, the whole day's work becomes dust. So you have to look at breakfast in the morning.

And so here are some tips for breakfast and health-

We have to have breakfast in the morning. Otherwise, the ability to work all day will be lost. So you need to have good and nutritious food for breakfast. For this you can have toast, cheese, vegetables, milk and any food and fruit for breakfast.

In addition, eating foods that will maintain the body's ability to work throughout the day and focus on work-work should be eaten. There is no point in having to eat rice curry every day. You can eat fruits and vegetables. This type of food contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.

So you have to cook and eat two cups of fruits and two and a half cups of vegetables. Then the body will be much better. Protein is also needed to keep the body healthy. Even if there is a lack of protein, the body will not be fine. So you can put meat and fat-free milk on the food list. In this way, the food list should be arranged with healthy food.

We know that if you work hard, your body will be better. Blood pressure is low and weight is under control. So you have to work hard to keep the body well. Children and adolescents should try to exercise for one hour every day as a rule. Those who are older need to do more exercise. Due to their physical exertion is not too much. So they have to keep their body active through exercise. You can do some simple exercises that will not hurt the body. However, health will be much better.

Adolescents, young people and the elderly should try to walk at least thirty minutes every morning. One extra meal should be kept in addition to every meal. Such as: butter, nuts and sweets. Eating such foods will not cause protein deficiency in the body. As a result, health will be much better. You can eat apples regularly with it. This is because these foods are high in protein and carbohydrates. Which is very necessary for our health. The food list should be arranged in such a way that there are no high fat foods. There will be very low fat foods. And the amount of calories should be. Calories cannot be extra or less.

Cooking should be done well. Digestive problems can occur if you cook and eat in a hurry in a short time. So the cooking has to be done just like that. You have to clean your hands before eating. You have to eat fresh food from outside.

Tiffins for children should contain nutritious and healthy food. The tiffin box needs to be cleaned well every day. Tiffin dishes need to be boiled and cooked well. Because children’s health grows from food. So children need to pay attention to food. You need to drink enough water to supply oxygen to the muscles.

Everyone eats tea. Tea contains antioxidants. Which helps to keep the body fresh. If you drink more tea at once, you should try to eat without milk.

Those who work in the workplace have to work straight. Otherwise it may cause pain in the waist, back and neck. You can't work in a row. Sometimes you have to walk around a bit. However, you can get rid of such problems. These rules must be followed to maintain good health.

List of protein food

1. Salmon

Salmon is considered a fatty fish, which means it is full of omega 3 fatty acids. Salmon is also a great source of protein and helps a person feel more satisfied with food.

2. Potatoes

Potatoes are a good source of protein and nutrients. A medium potato contains 4 grams of protein. Caution should be exercised when eating potatoes because the amount of extra that people often add to potatoes can increase the amount of calories.

3. Cauliflower

Cauliflower has a lot of low calorie protein. One cup of chopped cauliflower contains 26 calories and 2 grams of protein.

4. Eggs

Eggs are a source of protein, nutrients and healthy fats. Various studies have shown that eggs help people feel more satisfied with food and help them stop overeating.

5. Beef

Beef provides a high amount of protein per serving. There are different types of beef to choose from for weight loss. People who follow a moderate sugar diet should eat fatty beef. You can eat fatty beef on a low-carb diet.


6. Tuna - List of protein foods

Tuna is a great and widely available source of protein that counts very few calories. Tuna is a fatty fish. Add tuna to salads, sandwiches and snacks.

7.  Chhola- List of protein foods

Lentils are a healthy vegetarian protein that is high in fiber and rich in nutrients that improve heart and bone health. They also cure cancer.

8. Nuts

Almonds have a reputation for being high in calories. Dried, fried or raw nuts can make a filling protein-rich snack.

List of calcium-rich foods - Include in your diet

Calcium rich foods - Our body needs calcium for healthy bones. Not only that, but calcium is also very important for the proper functioning of our nerves and muscles.

 Here are 7 high calcium foods that you should include in your diet!

1. Milk - 1 cup: 270 mg of calcium

When we think of calcium, the first source that comes to mind is milk. , A great vehicle for bone formation from infancy to adulthood, one cup of milk contains 260 milligrams of calcium per 1000 milligrams recommended.

 2. Cheese - 1 cup: 951 mg of calcium

Another addition to the list of calcium-rich foods, cheese is a great source of protein as well as calcium.

3. Almonds - 1 cup: 456 mg of calcium

With a fun 458 mg of calcium, nuts top the list of foods high in calcium. High in protein, these nuts also help reduce the risk of heart disease.

4.Calcium rich foods

Also, nuts are an amazing source to improve your memory. Having these few protein-rich nuts every morning will be a sure victory for your health.

5. Spinach:

Spinach should be a big part of eating spinach or dinner to increase daily calcium intake. Each 100 grams of spinach contains 99 mg of calcium.



As well as being rich in iron and magnesium, broccoli is also a good source of calcium. 100 grams of cooked broccoli florets and leaves, these important nutrients contain about 56 milligrams of calcium.


As well as being a favorite among seafood lovers, shrimp are a great source of omega 3 fatty acids. In addition to these, shrimp can give you 100 mg of calcium from just 100 grams of serving (without shells). Avoid overcooking this delicious seafood to maintain nutritional value.

If you deprive your body of the required amount of calcium, it can lead to muscle contraction (stiffness and rigidity), nerve dysfunction, loss of appetite, lethargy and decreased brain function.

 Likewise, excess calcium can also pose a threat to your body. The key is to get the right amount of minerals in the right balance and include the calcium-rich foods in your diet.

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