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7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

Not only older people, but also many young people now suffer from diabetes. Gradually all happiness will be lost from life if you suffer from diabetes. Since there is no direct cure for diabetes, it is important to control it. However, there are some ways to stay away from diabetes if you follow it in advance. Here are some ways to raise awareness about diabetes:

1. Weight loss 

will be followed by fatigue and constant tiredness. If you gain too much weight, it can lead to diabetes. So body weight control is very important in preventing diabetes.


 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

2. Eat more fibrous foods:

Eat vegetables and foods that are high in fiber. This will reduce your risk of type 2 diabetes. Eating more fibrous foods reduces the body's ability to absorb sugars. As a result, the amount of sugar in the blood is under control.

3. Exercise regularly: 

To survive from diabetes, you must exercise regularly. If you do regular physical exercise, it will benefit your health in many ways. Body weight control in particular, will keep away various diseases. As a result, the chances of getting diabetes are much lower.

 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

4. Avoid smoking:

Smoking increases the risk of developing diabetes. If you want to avoid diabetes, stop smoking now. Smoking should be avoided to stay away from diabetes.

5. Reduce food intake: 

Overeating is one of the leading causes of diabetes. So the amount of food should be reduced in advance. Even if you drink a glass of water before eating, the amount of food can be reduced.

6. Red flour meal:

Red flour bread and other foods should be eaten with the exception of white flour. This will reduce the risk of diabetes. Breakfast is a very important meal - it can either make or break your day. Adding protein to breakfast reduces appetite throughout the day. It keeps the body healthy as well as keeps diabetes away.

7. Eliminate fatty foods:

Junk foods and other unhealthy foods in fast food stores contain high levels of saturated fat, which can raise harmful cholesterol in your blood. It also raises blood sugar levels. So these foods should be excluded.

 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

8. Stay stress free:

Excessive stress can raise your blood sugar levels. For this reason, keep yourself away from stress. Practice yoga, meditation and breathing if necessary. Sleep six to eight hours a night. It will reduce the pressure on the body and will stay away from various diseases including diabetes.

What is diabetes?

Deficiency of a hormone called insulin in our body causes metabolic problems and usually leads to high blood glucose (sugar) or sugar. And when the amount of glucose or sugar in the blood becomes high, then the body can no longer use it properly, resulting in health problems like diabetes mellitus.

 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

Why is diabetes?

There are several possible causes of diabetes -

  • Especially if there is a parent or someone in the family or someone related to blood.
  • If someone is overweight.
  • If someone has high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol levels.
  • In addition, if insulin is reduced for any genetic reason.
  • Due to other hormonal factors.
  • Due to the use of steroids.

What are the symptoms of diabetes (sugar)?

There are several symptoms of diabetes.

  • Going to urinate frequently
  • Getting extra appetite
  • Weight loss
  • Feeling weak
  • Decreased vision
  • Delay in drying the wound area
  • Occurrence of various skin diseases

The symptoms of diabetes (sugar) are clear to you. Consult a doctor immediately if you notice any symptoms of diabetes.

 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

Diagnosis of diabetes:

Normally, a healthy person's blood plasma glucose level is less than 5.6 ml before meals or less than 6.8 ml 2 hours after meals. But if a person's blood plasma glucose level is more than 7.1 ml before meals or more than 11.1 ml after 2 hours of food. However, the person will be considered diabetic.

Type of diabetes:

Usually there are different types of diabetes for different reasons-

Type 1 diabetes:

People who do not make insulin from their body are completely stopped, they are patients with type 1 diabetes. In these cases insulin has to be given from outside. And they can get diabetes from childhood.

 7 Ways to Survive Diabetes, health tips

Type 2 diabetes:

The body that makes insulin, but in small amounts, is a type 2 diabetes patient. It can be seen in middle-aged people, especially after the age of 40.

Pregnancy Diabetes:

Many people get diabetes during pregnancy. Which goes away after childbirth. But during this pregnancy, insulin is given to avoid danger to both the mother and the baby.

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