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It is strange that 4 reasons increase body weight

It is strange that 4 reasons increase body weight

It is strange that 4 reasons increase body weight

 Increasing ozone in the body is an undesirable thing for every conscious person. In many cases, even if the routine is followed, many people have ozone levels, so they are very worried. Experts have found out some of the reasons. All of these factors can increase the body's ozone. Let's take a look at the strange causes of ozone depletion.

weight loss

1. Husband-wife quarrel or lover-lover quarrel-

In a study a few days ago, scientists found out that when a husband-wife or boyfriend-lover quarrel, a kind of special hormone is released. This makes you feel more hungry. The researchers said that the release of this hormone increases the body's ozone. Scientists performed the experiment on 43 pairs of couples.

4 causes to increase body weight

And a new study has found that eating the iron in red meat increases people's appetite. In one study, ratswere fed high and low iron foods, and rats that ate high-hormone foods had lower levels of leptin, which increased their appetite. On the other hand, rats that ate low-iron foods had lower levels of leptin, which did not increase their appetite. This means that if you feel more hungry, people will eat more and if you eat more, the body's ozone will increase.

weight loss

3. Genes can often cause ozone depletion in the human body.

A recent study found that genetic factors can increase ozone levels in the human body. Maybe one day scientists will be able to find the genes in the body. However, psychologist Michael C. Parent said that those who think that the reason for their ozone increase is genes, their ozone increases more. So it should not be paid attention.

4. Evolution can lead to obesity or ozone depletion.

A study by Obesity Research found that obesity has increased significantly. People would not have been so fat 40 years ago. They did not tend to be fat. In this generation, the demand for obesity has increased a lot, due to which this generation of people are becoming more obese. The report was based on a study of 36,000 people from 1981 to 2006. Scientists believe that this may be due to changes in human energy intake and its use.

weight loss

There are some reasons for sudden weight gain

Slight fluctuations in your weight every day are quite normal. In adults, the average weight fluctuates from 500 grams to 1 kg per day. This can be due to various reasons like high sodium intake, dehydration or your sleep schedule. But when you see a lot of changes in your weight in a short period 
of time like a week or a month, it can mean something different.

Maintaining a healthy weight is not only necessary to make you look attractive, it also cures a number of chronic diseases. High body mass index can keep you away from heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gallstones, asthma and certain cancers. So, if your weight has been stable for months or years and if you see a sudden change in it, then some reason may be responsible.

Effects of drugs

Regular use of certain medications can make you obese over time. The two main causes of weight gain are depression and heart disease. Medications used to treat migraines, convulsions, high blood pressure, and diabetes may also be responsible. These drugs cause some changes in your hormones, which can lead to weight gain.

Specific illness

If you suffer from certain diseases such as perimenopause, menopause or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), the hormonal balance may change. This can lead to some health concerns such as irregular periods, acne, and even facial hair growth and weight gain. This condition can be treated with medication, adherence to a healthy diet, and regular exercise.

weight loss

Excessive alcohol intake

If you drink alcohol regularly, it is difficult to control your weight. Not just fun drinks, alcohol has a lot of calories, which most of us don't understand. 1 can of beer contains 156 kcal and half a glass of wine contains about 140 kcal. So regular consumption of alcohol can lead to weight gain.

weight loss


Underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism can be one of the reasons for your weight gain. When the butterfly-shaped glands in the front of the neck fail to produce enough thyroid hormone, you start to feel weak, tired, cold all the time, and even gain weight. This can add a few kilos to your weight when the thyroid is working at the lower end of the normal range.

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