Something about health
Health is the root of all happiness - we are all familiar with this proverb. In this digital age, our lives have gained a lot of momentum but we are losing the motivation to stay healthy by running at a fast pace. We are moving away from physical work day by day due to extra work stress and our busy lifestyle. Many people have an extreme reluctance to exercise and we blame it on our busyness.\
But in the modern world many people are taking healthy, proper diet and exercise as a part of their lifestyle. By following a few simple rules, we can make regular exercise a part of our busy lives. Today's episode is about exercise / physical activity in a busy life. Here are some important tips to stay healthy.
1. Taking exercise as a part of daily routine
When we prepare our daily routine, we create the routine keeping in mind that we only have 9-5 hours of office work. But besides our livelihood, many other important issues of daily life are not in the minds of many. But with a little effort, it is not difficult to find time for exercise 4-5 days a week for an hour.
Allocating 4-5 hours of exercise a week with a little effort will increase our physical capacity and energy level as well as keep us safe from many health risks and many terrible diseases including heart disease and diabetes. Following the right routine will give a new impetus to our office, personal and family work and other daily activities.
2. Making a habit of waking up in the morning
When we look at the lives of successful people, we see that almost all of them wake up before the sun rises. Many of us have a habit of getting up a little before going to the office / work and getting ready. If we make it a habit to wake up in the morning, we will get extra hours for work. We can easily get our exercise back in a part of this time.
3. Don't waste time on unnecessary work
There is very little chance of wasting time on unnecessary tasks to keep pace with the busy times. Many of us spend a lot of extra time on chat, social media, etc. Social media addiction is also having a lot of negative effects on the sleep habits of many of us.
We can easily save time from unnecessary sectors and put it behind fitness. In addition to fitness, I can also spend time on many other good / creative activities. Which may create opportunities for our own improvement.
4. Join the gym
Just like we can't think of getting an education without school-college-varsity, it is very difficult to exercise without a gym, especially for those who are new to the subject. Joining the gym gives you the opportunity to learn exercises from the instructor. It is very important to do the right amount of exercise in every exercise. In addition, the advice of the gym instructor is very important on what diet / exercise will be according to the condition of the body.
Regular visits to the gym lead to communication / friendship with health conscious people, creating health conscious circles. It will inspire us to stay healthy. When choosing a gym we should join a gym where we can easily go regularly. It can be near home, it can be near office. Before going to the office / work or after finishing the day's work so that we can go at a convenient time.
5. A combination of different types of exercises
The three main types of exercise are weightlifting / weightlifting, free-hand exercise, cardio. We can include only three types of exercises in our routine. It will also reduce the monotony of exercise as well as create a variety of exercise habits that will be much more effective for the body.
6. Physical work in between work
In the gaps between our work / daily life, we can be physically active if we want to. Continuous work at the desk can cause a lot of neck / back pain. After sitting for an hour, walking for 5-6 minutes / moving the neck and arms will not create this problem easily. When I come from the office, I can walk a few km 3-4 days a week.
We can walk without using a rickshaw / car to walk the distance around. Instead of using the elevator, we can make it a habit to climb stairs. Body structure but to stay moving, not to sit still. The rate of various diseases and health risks will continue to increase if you sit lazily without moving / doing physical work. In this way, if we can make a habit of moving little by little every day, it will be very beneficial for our overall health.
7. Bonus tips!
In addition to exercise, proper sleep habits and proper diet and adequate water drinking habits should be made. 7-8 hours of sleep per day is essential for a healthy person. Sleep is very useful, especially for those who exercise. The growth of the body as a result of exercise does not happen during the exercise but the muscle recovers during the sleep / rest period after the exercise.
Many of us have become night owls these days because of social media, smartphones and the easy access to the internet. Creating the habit of going to bed early at night will also help us to get proper and adequate sleep as well as we can use it effectively when we wake up early in the morning. Eating and drinking to get the right benefits by exercising
Our brain is made up of hundreds of billions of neurons. And these neurons are connected to each other and exchange information, so that we can continue our normal activities. The ‘neuronal connections’ that we have in our brain are constantly changing, enlarging and reorganizing. This process is called neuroplasticity. A person's neuroplasticity occurs by establishing new connections of neurons in the brain by adapting to the various problems and environmental conditions that arise in individual life.
Earlier neuroscientists thought that this neuroplasticity develops only in childhood. But studies have shown that many of these occur in adulthood. If someone is under stress for a long time, this neuroplasticity is disrupted. It affects not only our thoughts and memories, but can also cause a variety of mental problems, such as depression, anxiety, mood disorders, etc.
Health advice for them
Children aged 18-20 should have a general checkup with a doctor at least once a year due to complex eating habits.
It is important to know if children at this age have anemia, cholesterol, diabetes or thyroid problems.
Many people at this age experience anxiety or depression.
18 to 20 years. This age is very important. From mid-adolescence to early adolescence, every child should follow the rules of hygiene. Health screening of children should be done as per the rules every year. In this case, parents have to play a special role. Because, at this age, many people do various irregularities in food or living.
18 to 20 years is very important in life
Many people become addicted to fast food or rich oily foods instead of a balanced diet. Doesn't sleep well. Its effects fall on their bodies. Health deteriorates, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Causes various complications in the future.
For this, children of this age should see a doctor at least once a year and undergo a general checkup.
In our country, no one thinks so much about health screening. But if you go to the doctor, you will understand whether you have any heart problem or any general problem.
It is important to know if children between the ages of 18 and 20 have anemia. It is also important to know if you have cholesterol, diabetes or thyroid problems.
It is important to know whether children of this age have anemia or anemia! It is also important to know if you have cholesterol, diabetes or thyroid problems. Many people may also have high blood pressure due to family reasons or eating disorders. This is the right time to know how to eat a balanced diet. What can happen if not or what should be done to solve any problem.
It is important to know if children at this age have anemia
Find out if children this age have anemia
If problems are found, they should be monitored. If you want to see a doctor regularly, you have to do that. And for this you do not have to go to any specialist at the beginning. After seeing the general doctor, if he advises to see a specialist, then you have to go to a specialist.
General checkups and blood tests can be done by the doctors in your neighborhood at low cost.
If there is a problem, do not feed them. Many of us have problems with allergies, asthma, etc. Sinus infections, ear infections, colds, coughs also see a doctor first. Proper treatment will get better. If not, show the specialist. However, the disease can not be kept under control.
Many people at this age also experience anxiety or depression. If you feel bad or you are thinking all the time or you can't concentrate on any work, you can't concentrate on your studies, you don't like anything, you feel disgusted about life, it seems that life has no meaning! What do you think is the benefit of life? Feel the pressure of revenge on someone — all this must be reported to the doctor. They will be able to understand the situation and take action. If not, you need to find out if you need to see a psychiatrist.
Many people at this age experience anxiety or depression
Many people have the misconception that a psychiatrist means a crazy doctor. Not really. Most of what we mean by insanity is schizophrenic. They’re not actually crazy either. It is also a disease and its treatment. However, the work of psychiatrists is much broader. They treat anxiety, depression and many other ailments ranging from fresh air. Anxiety, depression does not mean crazy. There are many treatments for anxiety and depression; And
These are also individual diseases like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and the treatment of these is 100% healthy. So do not neglect all this. Don't think of it as just a sad-happy illness or something like that. They also travel like all other diseases. And they also have the right to preserve mental health. By doing so, they can concentrate on their studies, develop relationships, and lead a normal life.
Chronic shortness of breath in winter and corona
Gradually, winter is spreading acr
oss the country. The whole world will remember the year 2020 as the year of extremes. Mankind's fight against the Corona or Covid-19 virus is not over. As winter approaches, Bangladesh, like the rest of the world, is experiencing an increase in the number of corona patients.
But keep in mind that even though everyone is paying attention to the coronavirus, there are many other respiratory diseases in the human body, which are less common throughout the year, but both increase in prevalence and severity in winter. Chronic respiratory problems or COPD is one of them. Another problem with shortness of breath is that although there is some similarity between COPD and asthma, it is important to identify the disease separately. There are several differences between the causes of these two diseases and the treatment.
What is COPD?
COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease is a type of respiratory problem that is usually chronic and progressing. If a person with this disease does not get proper treatment, his lung function gradually decreases. He suffered from various physical complications including shortness of breath. There are many possible causes for COPD, but smoking is the main one.
Why is that?
It is difficult to identify a specific cause of COPD. Congenital, habitual, and environmental factors all contribute to a person's COPD. Long-term smoking is a major cause of COPD. But there are other factors that can contribute to COPD.
Use of fossil fuels for various purposes including cooking.
Air pollution.
Suffering from dust and air pollution for professional reasons.
Recurrent lung infections from an early age.
Malnutrition and congenitally low birth weight.
Is bronchitis and COPD one?
Traditionally COPD can be divided into two parts.
1. Chronic bronchitis: Coughing up 2 teaspoons or more of phlegm most days and lasting for 2 years or more in a row is called chronic bronchitis.
2. Emphysema: Emphysema is some qualitative change in the airways and lungs. As a result, the patient suffers from chronic shortness of breath.
So it can be said that bronchitis is a part of COPD. In most cases, patients with COPD present these two types of problems together.
How to understand?
If a person 40 years of age or older has the following symptoms:
Shortness of breath: Almost all the time and throughout the year it increases after some walking and physical exertion and the intensity and duration of shortness of breath increases with age.
Long-term cough: May be dry or cough may be accompanied by cough.
Long-term smoking habits
Use fossil fuels for cooking or cooking in a wood stove (especially for women).
Suffering from air pollution due to occupational or environmental reasons.
Whether there is a family history of respiratory distress, low birth weight, or a history of recurrent lung infections from an early age.
Chest X-ray: Early stage X-ray examination of the patient's chest can give an idea of whether he has COPD. However, the patient's history and the results of the physical examination have to be combined.
Spirometry: This test is done to be sure about COPD. In addition, spirostry tests provide an idea of the patient's lung function and the severity of the disease. At present, various public and private hospitals have this test system. Apart from this some more tests are done in some situations. Such as determining the amount of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the blood, the ability to do physical work, etc.
By treating a patient with COPD, the patient's symptoms, the severity of the disease, and previous treatment, especially the history of hospitalization, are divided into four groups. The treatment is then determined according to the patient's group. The most commonly used drugs include:
Different types of inhalers, whose main function is to keep air circulation in the trachea and lungs normal.
Antibiotics as needed
Cough liquid medicine
Lung exercises or pulmonary rehabilitation - which is effective
Sometimes long-term oxygen therapy, which the patient can take at home
When do you realize you have to be hospitalized?
COPD patients usually have problems with vomiting and shortness of breath throughout the year. COPD can be controlled by using regular inhalers and taking necessary medicines. But sometimes the patient needs to be hospitalized. Especially in the following cases:
If the patient has shortness of breath and cough, such as shortness of breath at rest
If there is water on the feet or if the lips, tongue and fingers are blue
After a few days the severity of the disease increased
In the case of the elderly
If there is not enough service at home
If there is not enough service at home
Ways to stay free from COPD
COPDCOPD is a lifelong illness. So it is important to prevent COPD before it occurs. And the best way to prevent COPD is to avoid smoking altogether. People who have been smoking for a long time also start to get the benefits of quitting smoking.
The role of vaccines
People with COPD who are 65 years of age or older, as well as those who have minor lung complications, diabetes and kidney problems, can take the influenza and pneumonia vaccines at regular intervals as advised by their doctor. This type of vaccine greatly reduces the risk of recurrent lung infections and the development of acute COPD.
Corona and COPD
The severity of COPD increases naturally during the winter season. In addition, coronary artery disease increases the risk of COPD. Therefore, the lungs of people with COPD are already less functional. Complications and risk of death in COPD patients with coronary heart disease; Both increase. Therefore, people suffering from COPD should be careful not to get infected with corona. In addition, if a person suffering from COPD does not have corona, immediate action should be taken for his treatment and if necessary, a quick decision should be taken about hospitalization.