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A few special tips to lose weight, weight loss, fitness

 A few special tips to lose weight

A few special tips to lose weight

Losing weight is difficult, but not impossible.

Many people want to lose weight. However, due to some issues, it lags behind the desired results. So some tips for those who want to lose weight.

Before losing weight

  • Get to know your own body better.
  • Harden your mind.
  • Be mentally prepared to give up your bad habits.
  • Go to a specialist for weight loss.
  • Promise yourself to be successful.
  • Time to lose weight

 Rely on experts.

  •  Keep losing weight with patience.
  •  Refrain from discussing weight loss with anyone other than your specialist and family members.
  • If you do not lose weight or lose weight by dieting for the first time, try again without getting frustrated.
  • Control yourself.
  • Enjoy new changes and diet.
  • Be confident.

Remember, losing weight is difficult, but not impossible.

How to control weight?

Eat less carbohydrate foods for weight control. 

Diabetes, heart disease, stroke, etc. can settle in the body only if the weight is not under control. What to do overall to control weight?

Dr. spoke about it. Lopa Sharmin. He has been practicing medicine at Marshfield Clinic Health Systems as an International Medicine Specialist for 18 years and is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health at the University of Wisconsin. The interview was aired on the 3655th episode of NTV's regular health program.

Q: What do you do to control weight?

A: When we see that the body mass index is above 30, we are talking about weight control. Speaking of walking, talking about food control.

In the case of those who are overweight, they walk less. Eat more bread, rice or carbohydrate foods. Such foods need to be controlled. Then you have to control the soda. It is important to see how much sugar is in the soft drink. These drinks also contain a lot of sodium. So be careful when eating these drinks.

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