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WEIGHT LOSS DITE TIPS 2021/Goal Weight Loss

                      WEIGHT LOSS DITE TIPS 2021

{Goal Weight Loss} 

WEIGHT LOSS DITE TIPS 2021/Goal Weight Loss

many times, as you progress, reaching your ideal weight can become more difficult.

If you are one of those who at first could lose weight every time you step on the scale but who, over time, feel that you have stagnated, it may be that you are omitting certain recommendations.
It is very frustrating when fat loss slows but it is completely normal.

6 science-backed ways to lose weight without dieting   


Eat enough protein

Protein intake is higher in weight loss diets due to its high satiating power and its role in maintaining muscle mass.

When you lose weight, your metabolism slows down.

And is that your body does not require the same level of energy as before to maintain your weight.

In addition, you will also lose muscle mass and the more muscle you have, the more calories you will burn.

That is why it is very important to preserve muscle and eating enough protein is the key to achieving it.

According to the WHO recommendations, you should ingest between 0.8 and 1 gram of protein for every kilogram of body weight.

drink a glass of water before eating

Researchers at the University of Birmingham (England) have found that it is a very simple method, but that it works. His experiment, carried out earlier this year, consisted of monitoring the evolution of 84 overweight people for three months. 41 of them were asked to drink a glass of water before each main meal, and the rest were asked to imagine that they had a full stomach before starting to eat. After the 12 weeks of testing, the results left no room for doubt: the first group lost almost four and a half kilos of weight, while the rest stayed at 800 grams. . And it works even better if the water is cold, because that way it causes the stomach to contract and makes us less hungry ”, adds Dr. Aranzadi.

Have a good breakfast

Skipping breakfast is one of the most common mistakes among people who want to lose weight, but it produces just the opposite effect. . A study by scientists from Imperial College (London), published in the Daily Mail in 2012, corroborates these explanations. The experiment, which consisted of scanning the brains of 21 participants, while showing them photographs of different foods, revealed that the volunteers who skipped breakfast ate more at lunch and on top of it opted for the fattier and sugary foods, which they did not it made you lose weight precisely. One more reason to start the day by giving us a tribute!

Go to bed early

This is advised by a group of specialists from the Northwestern University of Medicine (Chicago, USA), since in 2011 they discovered that people who go to bed late consume about 250 calories more than those who do it early. The reason, according to their observations, is that they turn to fast food and drink more sweetened sodas. Taking calculations, these extra calories can lead us to gain weight… 900 grams a month!, Which is an awful lot of extra kilos a year.

Make love regularly

On the face of it, it is not the definitive remedy to stay like sylphs, but it can help us lose some weight. This is the conclusion reached by the authors of the study Energy Expenditure during Sexual Activity in Young Healthy Couples (energy expenditure during sexual activity in healthy and young couples), published in PlusOne magazine in 2013. Antony Karelis, professor of the University of Quebec (Canada) and director of said research, ensures that the average energy expenditure during each sexual act is about 85 calories, which is equivalent to 3 and a half calories per minute. Not bad at all, for such a joyous system.

Try the 3-day diet. 

The 3-day diet, sometimes referred to as the "military diet," is a 3-day diet plan that consists of a strict regimen of breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Proponents of this approach recommend following meal plans as closely as possible and then returning to a 1500 calorie normalized diet for the remainder of the week. 

Breakfast for day 1 consists of:
1 cup of unsweetened black coffee or tea
1 slice of toast, preferably whole
2 tablespoons peanut butter
½ grapefruit
Lunch for day 1 consists of:
1 cup of unsweetened black coffee or tea
1 slice of toast, preferably whole
½ can of tuna
Dinner for day 1 consists of:
85 grams or 3 ounces (about the size of a deck of playing cards) of any meat
1 cup green beans, sewn or raw
½ banana
1 small apple
1 cup vanilla ice cream (yes, dessert!)
Breakfast for day 2 consists of:
1 egg, cooked as you prefer
1 slice of toast, preferably whole
½ banana
Lunch for day 2 consists of:
1 hard-boiled egg
1 cup of cottage cheese
5 crackers
Dinner for day 2 consists of:
2 hot dogs (without any buns)
1 cup of broccoli
½ cup carrots
½ banana
½ cup vanilla ice cream (dessert again, yes!)
Breakfast for day 3 consists of:
1 small apple
1 slice of cheddar cheese
5 crackers
Lunch for day 3 consists of:
1 egg, cooked as you prefer
1 slice of toast, preferably whole
Dinner for day 3 consists of:
1 can of tuna
½ banana
½ cup vanilla ice cream

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